Assalamualaika Ya Habiballah. O Prophet of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O Messenger of Allah May salutations be sent upon you O my Beloved O Prophet of Allah O Messenger of Allah I left all my troubles and worries As I entered your Mosque so gently And as I finally stood there before you I couldn't stop my tears from falling.
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Niatkan perjalanan karena Allah SWTsemoga apa yang kita citacitakan bisa terwujud dan terlaksana dan semua menjadi berkahAamiin.
Assalamu Alayka Ya Rasool Allah (Albanian English) ♥ السلام عليك يا رسول الله ♥ ♥ السلام عليك يا حبيب الله ♥ O Taiba your breeze is so blessed Indeed it brought life back to my spirit I've left my heart with my beloved Sending blessings on Muhammad Assalamu Alaika Ya Rasool Allah This post is.
“Sesungguhnya Allah dan malaikatmalaikatNya bershalawat untuk Nabi Hai orangorang yang beriman bershalawatlah kalian kepada Nabi dan ucapkanlah salam pe.
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Assalamu'alaikumMakasi temanteman yang udah support pujahingga saat iniMari perbanyak Shalawat Keatas Nabi Muhammad SAWInshaallah kita akan mendapatkan Video Duration 4 minViews 908MAuthor Puja Syarma Official.