Fenite. fenite A rock that was first described from the Fen carbonatite intrusion in southern Norway It is sodiumrich metasomatic orthoclase — nepheline — arfvedsonite — aegirinebearing and developed around carbonatite intrusions.
Alkali metasomatic aureoles termed fenites are common around carbonatites as bodies of carbonatite expel alkalirich fluids as they cool and crystallize Such fluids metasomatize country rock removing silica and adding alkalis (Na 2 O + K 2 O) (Le Bas 2008 Elliott et al 2018 ).
Fenite SpringerLink
Kulmofén ETA Fenité 6322 90000 Pro objem vlasů Kulatý kulmofén& ETA Fenité 6322 90000 podpoří objem vašich vlasů Díky funkci otáčení kartáče si snadněji vytvoříte přírodní vlny V kombinaci s ionizační technologií jim dodá lesk a zabrání krepatění Hladké a zdravé vlasy 3 nastavitelné teploty a 2 rychlo.
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The fenite minerals have consistently higher mid REE /light REE ratios (La/Sm ≈ 13 monazite ≈ 19 bastnäsite ≈ 12 parisite) than their counterparts in the carbonatites (La/Sm ≈ 25 monazite ≈ 42 bastnäsite ≈ 34 parisite).
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in carbonatitederived Enrichment of heavy REE and Th
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Fenites surround the carbonatitebiotitite central core developed by sodium and potassium metasomatism of the surrounding granite gneiss amphibolite and hornblende schist.